What was true a hundred years ago is just as true today: Immigration is an essential driver of growth and prosperity in America.
The most successful and fastest-growing metropolitan areas across the nation have strong international roots and a significant percentage of foreign-born residents.
For 103 years, the International Institute of St. Louis has welcomed generations of immigrants and refugees from countries throughout the world to St. Louis.

Despite the organization’s rich history and incredible work in welcoming the world to St. Louis, the St. Louis area currently lags behind other successful metro areas in its percentage of foreign-born population.
For the last several months, Bailey & Co. has worked with the institute’s leadership to develop a new strategic framework to guide the organization forward. In addition to highlights of the institute’s work and impact, the 2022 annual report introduces the organization’s new strategic vision under the theme, “Welcome to the next 100 years.”

The framework expands the organization’s mission to capitalize on the bigger picture. Where the institute focused solely on providing resettlement services in the past, the organization is now focusing on the immense value and potential that immigration provides to the St. Louis region—and why scaling the organization’s work to welcome greater numbers of foreign-born residents is vital for St. Louis to be successful and competitive in the years ahead.

View entire annual report here.