A wealth of research published by Washington University in St. Louis, University of Missouri–St. Louis, Forward Through Ferguson, Greater St. Louis Inc., and others shows how the St. Louis region’s many challenges—from troubling crime rates to failing schools, slow economic growth, and steady decline in national prominence—are a direct result of the region’s high concentrations of poverty and communities in decline.
Beyond Housing is a comprehensive community development organization working to transform the many municipalities that comprise the 24:1 Community—an area that has the highest concentration of poverty in the Missouri side of the St. Louis metropolitan area. In order to scale its work to achieve a greater impact, Bailey & Co. helped Beyond Housing launch Once and for All. The campaign for the effort educates St. Louisans on the need to invest in its under-resourced communities to create a stronger, more prosperous St. Louis, once and for all. In addition to branding, Bailey & Co. provided strategic consulting to formalize Beyond Housing’s innovative community development model for creating real and lasting change.
Carrying the investment theme forward, Beyond Housing has launched a first-of-its-kind offering that allows individuals and organizations to invest in the future of the St. Louis region using the initial public offering (IPO) framework. The IPO combines a results-oriented, investment mindset with the latest thinking on how to effectively address complex social issues. Shares of the IPO will fund housing, infrastructure, and economic development as well as a holistic suite of services designed to strengthen individuals and families.
Learn more about the Once and for All effort.